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Check out Pauline's Story "Our 60 Year Journey: My Life - Being Born Amish Then Married and Employed by CIA, Then Later We Founded and Pastored Abundant Life Fellowship" below!

Our 60 Year Journey: My Life - Being Born Amish Then Married and Employed by CIA, Then Later We Founded and Pastored Abundant Life Fellowship

Imagine being raised Amish as a child, marrying the love of your life as he serves his country in the Navy, being trained, and deployed as United States diplomats with CIA clearance in countries such as Honduras, Greece, and Pakistan, living through a war, coming back stateside, resigning from the State Department, and becoming founding pastors of a successful church plant that continues to thrive today. Hard to picture, but that account is found in the pages of this book you hold, From Amish to Central Intelligence Agency, and pastoring, Our 60 Year Journey of Purpose and Destiny. Written by Pauline (Borntrager) Stevenson, she weaves her life throughout these pages. The whole time, her faith in Jesus Christ was her guiding influence. You will be kept on the edge of your seat in places of high drama and know the intensity of being brought to death’s door. Being raised Amish, Pauline will share with you how it set the tone of her life with exemplary morals and simple ways of living. Yet, her life would take on change after marriage. She was contracted to serve in the Central Intelligence Agency to work in US embassies, consulates, and military installations, along with the opportunity to live in foreign countries, see the sights, live among nationals, and meet interesting people from other walks of life. However, she will tell you there were the downsides of catching diseases like meningitis, malaria, and amoebic dysentery. While there were times of doubt, moments of uncertainty and crossroads of decision, there were also the high reward moments, and she came through it all. Clichéd as it might be, this narrative will be difficult to put down, not knowing how the next page turns out. It really is a story like no other.

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